Malawi Investment and Trade Centre (MITC) is one of the implementing partners in the AGCOM project. MITC is a parastatal organization established by an Act of Parliament, the Investment and Export Promotion Act. Its mandate is to carry out investment promotion and facilitation as well as export promotion in Malawi
MITC identifies, develops and packages investment and trade opportunities in Malawi; brands and markets Malawi as an investment and trade destination; retains and expands trade and export opportunities for Malawi
The role of the MITC in AGCOM falls within component 2 of the project which is Support to Investment Enabling Services
Under this component, the key roles performed by MITC include:
- Access to Land for Commercial Investments in Agriculture
Under this, MITC is facilitating provision of land for commercial investments in the agriculture sector. MITC is working closely with the Ministry of Lands, Housing and Urban Development to identify and profile parcels of land for this purpose
Currently, the Centre is profiling 22 hectares of land in Chigumula, Blantyre which has been earmarked for an Agro-processing Special Economic Zone
In addition, MITC is also packaging about 400 hectares of land in Area 55, Lilongwe which is also a proposed site for an industrial park
These industrial parks will be catalyst for value addition of Malawian products for international export markets. - Support for Business Enabling Services - Market Linkages
The second role of MITC in the project is to promote and facilitate trade and investments in Malawi. Under this, MITC will carry out various trade and investment outreach programs aimed at identifying international markets for Malawian products.
Other Activities by MITC under AGCOM
MITC will also carry out the following activities under the project:
- Facilitate participation of agriculture producers at the Malawi Investment Forum and other trade fairs
- Train agro producers in product development for export trade
- Conduct market demand analysis for selected agricultural and agro-processed value chains
- Undertake Agribusiness Investment promotion missions
- Facilitate commercial linkages for productive alliances and producer organisations (both local and international)